Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! It seems like this year has passed so quickly. This time last year, I was having a problem with a slipped disc which i thought was a pulled muscle in my back. After many trips to the dr. and 3 cortisoine shots, I finally got back to normal but found out I have
arthritus in my right hip which still acts up. Not as bad as the slipped disk though... Its better to see the positive side. lol

Christmas was nice though, my husband & I spent a nice quiet day at home. I got my husband a little remote car in which he had fun playing with our cat Katie with. I should have taken pictures. When Katie got tired of watching the car, she simply flipped it over like she would a bug and then watched its wheels spin uselessly. lol

I am very happy to announce that my younger sister Sheri has joined me in my blog Crochet Mania. Sheri is also hooked on crochet. She learned how to crochet about a year ago and is getting really good. Hopefully between the two of us, there will be more posts.

I hope you had a very nice Christmas and all your dreams for the new year come true.

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