Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Projects & Baby

Its hard to believe that a year has past since I started this blog. I have been terrible about blogging. Hum, maybe add that to my New Year's resolution I have been crocheting a lot but I can't share any pictures until after Christmas since what I am working on is presents for my family known as Project S. by my younger sister and myself. lol I once shared the link to this blog with my older brother and he bookmarked it, so just in case he looks, he won't find out what he is getting from this page. ;)

However, I will post a picture of my youngest cat, Baby. Ok, actually she doesn't have a name yet. We can't seem to agree on a name for her. However, Baby fits her. Ok maybe a baby She is a good cat though, she is very smart and likes to play tricks on the other cats oh and especially her mother, Cw who is not much bigger than her. Cw is a small cat and it looks like Baby is going to stay small too. Luckily the other cats look after them both.

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